Member resourcesIncident Handling

When there’s a problem

Nobody likes dealing with problems, so our best advice to members is to try not to cause any! But sometimes problems do happen, and it’s important to know how to approach problematic situations at SkullSpace. Here’s our guidelines:

In case of emergency

For emergencies:

  • If the situation is life threatening, call 911 immediately.
  • Try to contact a board member, or email as soon as possible and describe what happened.


If you notice a problem at the space that needs speedy resolution (like plugged toilets), here’s what to do:

  • If you can fix the problem yourself, or if there’s somebody around who can fix it, or you know the “right” person to contact, let them know directly and they can choose to take ownership.
  • If it’s a network issue, and email is still available, email If it’s a network issue and email is not available, please contact Colin Stanners, Mak Kolybabi, or Ron Bowes.
  • If you can’t fix the problem yourself or you don’t know who to ask or the ‘right’ person is unable/unwilling to take ownership, and it’s a problem that another member might be able to help with, email
  • If it’s an issue that discuss@ can’t resolve (an issue with the landlord or a legal issue, for example), or discuss@ doesn’t resolve it in a reasonable amount of time (“reasonable” depends on the problem, obviously), escalate the issue to Somebody on admin@ will take ownership and make sure it gets done. SkullSpace members should not act on behalf of the Board in any situation, unless they have received prior permission. If it’s something that other people will notice – like a leaky pipe, for instance – email discuss@ as well to let them know the issue has been escalated.
  • Once it’s resolved, if admin@ wasn’t involved, please let admin@ know what happened, and how it was fixed.

Things to avoid

  • If the problem has already been reported, please refrain from reporting the problem again.
  • Confusion about who owns an issue – if you’ve volunteered to own the issue, please make sure you either resolve it or pass it on to someone else.
  • Shaming – either public or private, and either before or after.
  • Do not over-react unnecessarily.
  • Do not email individual board members – always email admin@ so that it can be seen by the board as a whole.